How to Get Out of a Rut
Today, I want to share what I do with myself when I get stuck in my head. Let’s say, for example, something horrible happens at my work. A terrible thing happens with a client, I get into a fight with my spouse, or something like that. I am not immune to any of...
Healing the Trail of Trauma
Hiking trails are maintained by two things: Park rangers come in, and actually clean them up. People walk on them, and over time their shoes dig and move earth around, so that plants have a harder time growing over the path. Now, if people stop walking on a trail and...
How to Stop Reinforcing Trauma
Today I want to share a little bit about my traumatic history and how I healed from it, for the most part. The most important thing that helped me to heal was not all the talk therapy and journaling I was doing, even though those methods helped to an extent. Instead,...
Embracing the Golden Rule: A Journey to Self-Respect and Healing
We’ve all heard of the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I used to think that was a really useful way to kind of think about things. Treating other people the way you want to be treated makes sense, at least on paper. But I, like many...