
About Omid

Omid Vojdani is a certified holistic health coach with a background in functional movement and fitness. After graduating from California State University Chico with a degree in psychology, he discovered his love for fitness and the gym. He moved to Los Angeles to become a personal trainer and started working at 24 Hour Fitness, where he gained experience working with clients with specific medical conditions ranging from back pain and knee replacements to MS and Parkinson’s. Omid realized that he enjoyed working with individuals rather than groups and started his own private practice, focusing on functional movement, corrective exercise, breathwork, and tai chi.

In the years that followed, Omid moved to Walnut Creek, got married, and faced the challenges the pandemic brought. He continued to deepen his understanding of the human body and its interconnectedness, studying at the Chek Academy under the mentorship of Paul Chek. The academy’s holistic system of looking at the body from every level (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, psychosocial, spiritual, psychological) resonated with Omid, and he now specializes in holistic health coaching and chronic pain management. He also works full-time with Egoscue, a postural therapy clinic, where he works with clients to correct postural issues with functional stretching and exercise.

Today, Omid helps create custom health solutions based on his clients’ unique personalities and lifestyles so they can create sustainable change in their health and happiness. He is passionate about helping individuals achieve optimal health, and his unique background, training, and experiences have shaped his approach to coaching.

Four Lights Philosophy

When it comes to health, there’s so much information out there that it’s easy to feel lost in the dark. The Four Lights are my way of lighting the path towards the life you want to live

Light the way to happiness

What truly makes you happy? How much of your life do you dedicate to satisfying other people and society rather than yourself? Putting your happiness on the back burner leads to feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress. The goal with this light is to add as much happy fuel to the system as possible so you can FEEL better about everything you do no matter what – and to be able to actually do what you want for yourself.

Light the way to rest, quiet, and recovery

Balance and rest are essential in every system – mental, physical, and spiritual. My goal is to find out how much rest, recovery, reflection, and introspection you need in your life right now to be healthy. This can change over time as you heal, but I often find that most people who come to me need significantly more rest and recovery in their lives.

Light the way to proper food and hydration

In terms of diet, it’s all about bio-individuation – what works for one person may not work for another. I help people figure out how to think about their food in a way that helps them get to their happiest and healthiest and change their diet as they change their bodies and minds.

Light the way to action, movement, and momentum

Much like diet, movement requirements vary for each individual – you could be doing too much or too little for your body. I use functional medical questionnaires to determine the “Goldilocks” level of exercise for each person. I also write exercise programs for people to take to the gym or a personal trainer and do on their own.


“Hi Omid, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you and I’m grateful for all your help this past week. Thank you for the encouragement to take some courageous steps in my life for the near future. I will definitely be keeping in touch throughout the next few months as I look to go out on my own and take more ownership of my life. Once again, I appreciate you and I look forward to how our journeys continue to evolve over time. All the best!”

Kyle B

“I was told 20 years ago I would never work again or have the busy life I enjoyed! Thanks to Omid and Egoscue, my body is changing daily! Thank you for this. Thank you for Omid! He is very knowledgeable and easy to work with. He is also a kind, beautiful soul. Thank you all!”

Millie Hopes

“For the first time in a long while I can touch my toes!”

Michael Lacey

“After Omid instructed me with only 3 exercises, not only did the pain go away, but I felt like a new person; stronger and more upright. I am VERY thankful and grateful for Omid’s insight to body awareness and function!!!!”

Wisteria S

“The pain in my shoulder went away quickly in just one session. I was sore in the middle of my back for a day but that is going away on the 3rd day of doing the exercises. I feel so much better!”

Jason R

“I felt this immediately!! This session helped me so much. I walked around and just felt my legs working in a more balanced/mindful way.”

Casey R

“I feel that I am not only sleeping better on my back but I wake up with no feeling at all in my lower back. It has been amazing and I can feel improvement in only a few days.”

Nick M

“Been doing my exercises regularly and def no more sciatica.”

Cathy D

“Because of what I thought was an injury, I was sleeping on a yoga mat every night, I had challenges putting my shoes on, and I could not ride in the car longer than 10 minutes. In 5 minutes, Omid identified how a lifetime of neglecting to be in tune with how my body led to physical malfunction.
It’s been only a month, and I have recovered to a higher function than prior to the injury, with my sites on continued restoration to a body that is fully functional with all body parts performing as they should.”

Jim M

“Omid was absolutely fabulous, and my knee discomfort went from a seven to a one with just three exercises.”

Lori F

“When I came to my first workout, I was over 400lbs, out of shape, had balance and movement issues, and was on my way to digging an early grave for myself. I was nervous and intimidated, but that quickly changed when Omid began his assessments. He helped me create a plan that was catered specifically to my abilities, modifying moves to fit my physical needs which over time increased my stamina and muscle strength until I could progress into non modified workouts.
It’s been a year, and I have lost over 150lbs! While I am still a work in progress, I am also happy with the results and the knowledge I have gained while working with Omid, and the continued coaching I receive.”

Nino L


  • CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach levels 1 and 2
  • CHEK Integrative Movement Specialist levels 1 and 2
  • Golf Biomechanics Specialist
  • ACE Sports Nutrition Specialist
  • ACE Certified Personal Trainer (renewed 3 times)
  • Licensed Egoscue Posture Therapist and Advanced Exercise Therapist through the Egoscue Institute
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming certified