(I had a ‘word exchange’ with my father when I told him of my book a day resolution. To his credit, he supported me, and even fueled me with my first book of 2015. Thanks dad. Lots of love!)

The beginning of 2015 had another resolution: to become self-employed and leave the employ of corporate America. The goal fueled me like a nuclear bomb, flooded with excitement and adventure, and extreme anxiety for the almost inevitable pain to follow (My joke: It’s amazing being your own boss. Too bad I’m also the employee).

Of all this book did, most important to be was give me hope that what I wanted was possible. If you have aspirations of owning your own business, but fear is stopping you, understand: the fear is what DRIVES you. Said in another way, to be a successful entrepreneur, you must turn the fear into a fuel source.

What gave me that hope? Linda identifies many characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, and outlines them beautifully. For example, there are different ‘species’ of entrepreneurs. My company won’t necessarily reflect the growth of Facebook or Amazon, yet can still be successful. I’m a butterfly! (her words, although I am 1/16th hippie).

Hope is a powerful thing. Hope is an ingredient of success. If there is no hope for success, our psyche quickly fall into a state of helplessness, and we start the process of self sabotage. Take action! Pick up at least one book that will help give you hope to combat a specific fear in your life.